In 1999 the "Follow That Dream" (FTD) label was founded by SONY MUSIC. This label does not deal with commercial releases of Elvis music titles but with alternative takes, live recordings etc.. Since 2009 the FTD label also releases vinyl editions of its CD's. Our discography is exclusively about these vinyl releases.
1999 wurde das "Follow That Dream" (FTD) Label von SONY MUSIC gegründet. Dieses beschäftigt sich nicht um die kommerziellen Veröffentlichungen von Elvis Musiktiteln sondern um alternative Takes, Livemitschnitte usw. Seit 2009 veröffentlich das FTD Label auch Vinyl Ausgaben seiner CD's. In unserer Discografie geht es ausschließlich um diese Schallplatten Veröffentlichungen.
Information: The discographies on this homepage are regularly edited and revised. Nevertheless, it can happen with the amount of data and images that errors creep in, should you notice errors or irregularities, it would be very nice and helpful from you to point it out to me. Please use the contact section on our homepage. Thanks a lot |